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    • HSP Crafted Prayer

      October 27, 2018

      HSP Crafted Prayer
      Norma Frizzell
      March 01, 2018

      Holy Crafted Prayer

      A crafted prayer is a prayer which after meditating especially on Ps 91 asking Jesus what He is interceding for on behalf of HSP. I waited and saw and wrote what I sensed He had on his heart. I’m learning to pray this way on an ongoing basis instead of often times praying different things. I feel that this is a prayer that can be prayed for as long as it takes to see it all as a reality. It doesn’t mean other prayers are not effective or good, but sometimes we don’t pray what the three are praying. It takes longer then to see things happen. Praying the word works too and there is much of Ps 91 in the prayer but from the Passion Translation. Anyway here it is, this is what I saw and sensed.

      I always see HSP as God’s Holy Heart for his servants, those who go in His name. Like Noah and the Ark this is a HOLY PROJECT. 120 years of obedience moving forward as God instructed, not seeing beyond the next step. But He also had a HOLY desire to obey and see it God’s Way. It was for the Salvation of God’s creation.

      His Secret Place

      I often see it as an EAGLE, flying on the breath of God. High undisturbed by the storms, just rising higher and becomes even more steady. No weapon is formed against the purpose of getting to a High Place, in a safe and secure shelter. It forges a path to God’s stronghold to bring those who are wounded and tired to Rest and be Restored. To rise up and take the Promised Land as their inheritance. ~ Norma


      Lord thank you that Your Secret Place is your Holy Heart for your Warriors. You have established your stronghold where they will find shelter, receive confidence and strength. Renewal will be the order of their stay. Your massive arms will comfort them protecting them from the lies, the hidden traps and lack of experiencing your love.

      Your faithfulness will be their cloaks of righteousness, they will be dressed in quiet confidence. Your mercy will cover them, restore them, will provide for them, and will heal them. They will come without fear and they will Rest.

      Like an Eagle you will endure with them through the night on a high and mighty place. They will not fear a thing, day or night danger will not trouble them. For you will keep them safe and secure. Their place will be as spectators as they see you restore all that was sacrificed and taken. Heaven’s armies will protect them as they come and go returning to their stations defending them from all harm. You will keep them from stumbling into traps even among the darkest of realms. Protection, Rest, Restoration from all attacks, traps, disease, lies, false accusations, fear and hopelessness you will provide. You will protect them from all this in their secret place.

      Because says the Lord they have greatly loved me and have allowed me to love them I will set them on a high place, safe and secure before my face. AMEN!